Famous Aviator Autograph Collection (15).
A signature collection of fifteen signatures of famous and historical aviators.
All but four are signed on 5 X 3.5 cards including Forrest Peterson (X15 Navy test pilot), Bill Dana (NASA test pilot), Robert Rushworth (X15 Air Force test pilot), William Knight (X15 USAF, NASA test pilot), General Jimmy Doolittle (Medal of Honor winner WWII), Jimmie Mattern (Lockheed test pilot), Chuck Yeager (USAF first pilot to exceed the speed of sound), Dick Rutan (Piloted Voyager, first non-stop, non-refueled around the world flight), Jeana Yeager (Piloted Voyager, first non-stop, non-refueled around the world flight) and Scott Crossfield (Naval test pilot, first pilot to fly X15). The four paper signature cuts that range in size from 5.5 X 1.5 – 5 X 3 are autographs of Scott Crossfield (2), Douglas Corrigan (nicknamed “wrong way Corrigan”) and Clarence Chamberlin (second man to fly a fixed wing aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean).
An impressive collection of autographs from these courageous historical aviators.
Dimensions: Various, see above.
Condition: Good to Very Good.
Authenticity: Gotta Have Rock and Roll Certificate of Authenticity.